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Join the Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center for the Annual Homeless Summit to address what services are currently being provided to homeless veterans and how services can improve. This year, the VA would like to provide an opportunity for employers and employment service providers to collaborate on how to provide employment opportunities for candidates within this population.

The summit will be held at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 8–11 a.m. Please RSVP to
Seating is limited to 60, so be sure to RSVP early!

Panel discussions will take place between networking opportunities for employment service providers and employers. Employment service providers will have information on employability, preparation of candidates and the benefits employment services. Employers will discuss what it takes to become the candidate of choice for employment and how to access available employment opportunities.

Please join us to open up community discussions on how to connect employers with candidates!


The Homelessness Task Force is an initiative of the Mid-America Regional Council.